Supa Mixed Chicken Grit 1 Litre
Mixed grit is a blend of both soluble and non soluble grit. The soluble grit ensures good strong and attractive egg shells, and the non soluble grit stays in the birds crop to aid digestion of food.
Supa Red & White Poultry Drinker 3 Litre
Durable Plastic Poultry Drinker with Twistlock Base fitting comes with hanging handle 3ltr. Also suitable for Cage & Aviary Birds. Manufactured in the UK.
Supa Red & White Poultry Feeder 1kg
Durable Plastic Poultry Feeder with Twistlock Base fitting Anti Scrape ring hanging handle Size 1kg. Also suitable for Cage & Aviary Birds. Manufactured in the UK.
Supa Red & White Poultry Feeder 3kg
Durable Plastic Poultry Feeder with Twistlock Base fitting Anti Scrape ring hanging handle Size 3kg. Also suitable for Cage & Aviary Birds. Manufactured in the UK.