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Briantos Adult Lamb Rice at a glance: Complete dry food for adult dogs High-quality animal protein: Briantos Adult Lamb Rice offers high-quality proteins and brings the benefits of digestible lamb. Easy to digest: the premium quality of the selected ingredients, gentle production using the most up-to-date methods and quality of the raw products ensures digestibility. Particularly delicious: the balanced recipe with tender lamb ensures great acceptance and contains all the nutrients essential in good canine nutrition. Skin coat: thanks to added zinc chelate (organic zinc compounds), encouraging smooth skin and a glossy coat. Special protein-fat ratio: the ratio of 21.5% to 11% helps avoid weight gain and support healthy bones and joints. Optimum gut flora: the balanced mix of different fibres helps boost your dog's gut flora and ensure healthy digestion, as well as good stool consistency. No added wheat, soya, artificial colours, flavours or preservatives Made in Germany Briantos Adult Lamb Rice is a balanced, highly-digestible premium dry food for adult dogs with normal activity levels. The special recipe offers the many nutritional benefits of hearty lamb and highly-digestible rice. This Briantos Adult Lamb Rice has been developed by experienced nutritional experts using the latest nutritional science, containing all essential vitamins and nutrients needed for a long, active canine lifestyle. Briantos Adult Lamb Rice contains selected ingredients known for their good digestibility and helps contribute to balanced nutrition. The essential fatty acids in this kibble help to support skin and coat. This unique dry food is an ideal choice even for more sensitive dogs. Briantos Adult Lamb Rice is a high-quality dry food for adult dogs of all breeds and sizes, supporting balanced canine nutrition. Only selected ingredients and raw components are used in the gentle production of this high-quality, delicious and digestible dog food of top quality and digestibility. The special manufacturing method helps to retain natural vitamins and essential fatty acids that are key for your dog's health. Briantos Adult Lamb Rice provides your dog with essential nutrients and offers great value for money. Briantos Adult Lamb Rice is made to high German quality standards, ensuring your dog receives premium quality nutrition. Briantos Adult Lamb Rice is a complete food for adult dogs, available in sizes 800g, 3kg and 14kg.

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