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This Wet Puppy Food is specifically designed for your new furry companion. With 65% Chicken, it is a protein-rich meal that is perfect for growing puppies. Chicken is an excellent source of high-quality protein, supplying essential B vitamins for strong muscles and energy. Our Grain Free Puppy Food contains 20% potato, making it easily digestible for your puppy's sensitive stomach. Sunflower and Salmon oils are added for optimal levels of Omegas 3 and 6, promoting healthy skin and a shiny coat that will last throughout your dog's life. Naturo is made with 100% natural ingredients and fortified with vitamins, minerals, and calcium to support your dog's immune system, teeth, and bones. It contains no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives, making it the perfect hypoallergenic option for your puppy. Choose our premium and nutritious puppy food for a well-balanced diet that will support your dog's overall health and wellness at every stage of life.

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