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Royal Canin Mini Adult is a specially-developed dry food for small breed dogs. It is perfect tailored to meet the nutritional needs of adult dogs and offers balanced nutrition, which helps to keep your dog in top form. The tailored kibble size also makes it ideal for smaller jaws. This Royal Canin Mini Adult Poultry Pork is made with highly-digestible ingredients, which help to support optimum nutrient intake. The appetite-boosting scent also makes it ideal for fussier dogs. This kibble provides your dog with antioxidants, which can help to boost the immune system. Royal Canin Mini Adult at a glance: Delicious complete food for small breed adult dogs (up to 10kg) over 10 months old Tailored calorie content: to support weight management Highly-digestible ingredients: promotes optimum nutrient intake Natural immunity: enriched with antioxidants to support the body's natural immune system Tailored kibble size: ideal for small jaws Contains appetite-boosting scent: for best acceptance Royal Canin Quality Guarantee All Royal Canin products undergo thorough quality controls to ensure optimum food quality and to provide food that is appropriate for your dog's individual nutritional needs and lifestyle. This means that Royal Canin dog food offers high-quality, balanced nutrition. For more variety with other product options Royal Canin is also available in wet food form with chunks in sauce, allowing for mixed feeding of wet and dry food. Simply follow our feeding guidelines to ensure that your dog receives the ideal quantities of wet and dry food for good health.

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