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Good News: The proven Wild Freedom Classic recipes are now available in a new design! During the transition phase, your order may contain both old and new design products. Wild Freedom "Wide Country" dry cat food at a glance: Based on the wild cat's natural diet: balanced, complete dry food for adult cats of all breeds and sizes 100% grain-free: suitable for cats with grain intolerance Top quality protein: 41% fresh poultry meat with tasty poultry protein Species appropriate: free from artificial preservatives, aromas and colours Responsible premium quality: produced in a German family business Wild Freedom is a premium, complete dry cat food inspired by your cat's natural instincts. It provides your cat with a delicious, species-appropriate nutrition and is suitable for adult cats of all breeds. In addition to lots of fresh meat, the grain-free recipes contain wild herbs. Follow your cat's natural instincts. You can find out more about Wild Freedom, the brand philosophy and the entire food range here: Wild Freedom Cat Food

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